PRESS COMMENT: Environment and Climate Change Committee Report on Electric Vehicles

Please find below a comment from Tony Campbell , MCIA CEO, relating to today’s Environment and Climate Change Committee’s report on Electric Vehicles.

(Inquiry available here)

Tony Campbell, CEO of the Motorcycle Industry Association, said:

“I welcome the report's call for regulatory updates, ensuring the safety of micromobility and aligning them with advancements in developing L-Category technologies. Micromobility and L-Category vehicles are pivotal for sustainable transport, but they should complement, not compete. Adopting ‘The Right Vehicle for the Right Journey’ is vital for environmental and urban mobility goals.

However, the current state of play favours unregulated micromobility options, lacking licence requirements, insurance, or PPE, posing a challenge to the already well-established and highly regulated L-Category sector, especially in last mile delivery. Illegally tampered e-step scooters or e-bikes are now easier and cheaper to access than ever before, more often than not without police interference. No longer is it a level playing field.

MCIA has urged the Government to bring forward its promised Future of Transport Bill, addressing emerging micromobility safety concerns and modernising regulations for the evolving transport mix of tomorrow. This move will unlock the full potential of our sector, fostering innovation, technological progress, and job creation. Failing to do so would stifle growth and hinder our collective progress."